This is one of the new sections that I've planted. I bought so many plants that I couldn't remember what they were once I got home. Whoops. I need to either never buy that many plants at once or learn to write things down. On the other hand, the surprise once these start flowering will be fun. I will also learn a lot by trying to figure out what these plants are, just once step closer to being able to id them anywhere is watching them grow in my own garden and having to figure out what they are...
I know for sure that on the left side of the bed from back to front is Russian Sage (perovskia atriplicifolia), Golden Thryallis (glaphimia glauca), Burgundy Sage (?). I will probably have to prune, divide or move them at some point since all three of these get larger than the spot available eventually. At the bottom right is Common Bluebeard (caryopteris incana) which seems to be the happiest of all the plants I bought recently. The two other plants are once I don't remember anymore, though I think one of them maybe mexican bush sage.
I also planted another section near the retaining wall in the back, but I can't seem to get a good picture of it, yet. It has esperanza/yellow bells (tecoma stans var. angustata), rock rose, indigo spires sage, pigeon berry, piquin pepper, what I think is a pentsemon (not sure what kind), bicolor sage, mexican marigold, american beautyberry, and another sage possibly.
I have planted future mysteries to solve, if all of it survives to flower. I've been told repeatedly that new plants need to be watered regularly when they becoming established. So far, I've only lost the one plant I bought which I didn't like all that much anyway and my watering habits have been abysmal. I might have watered the first week of some of them 2/3 days out of the week maybe. Luckily, this new batch of plants has the rain. Yep, my garden definitely has a darwinian bent survival of the fittest and mysteries abound. Eventually, I will also witness a space war. Who knows which species will win or will they all live together in colorful harmony?
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