Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Time Change, a Good Angle, and Veggie Flowers.

I probably won't be posting much or doing much more to the backyard for a while. Busy season has hit at work between that and the time change, I'm tired and there just isn't enough available light during the week. I have pictures to post of some new things in the garden and some old that I never managed to get posted...

Here is the bed near the house. I finally found a good angle. The Tecoma Stans is no longer flowering, but the bicolor sage and rock rose are on a daily basis.  In this area, I also planted chile piquin, pigeonberry, american beautyberry, a pentsemon (not sure what kind anymore), either mexican marigold or oregano. 

The cabbage lopers love the cauliflower. They did so much damage to the leaves I had to completely remove a bunch of them. Ah well, I wasn't sure I cared about garden fresh cauliflower because unlike broccoli which you can setup to harvest multiple flower crowns with cauliflower there is only one.

Check it out we have a little tiny broccoli flower. I wonder how long it takes until they get to the size you see broccoli crowns in the stores. I found a cabbage lopper having it's way with this one later in the day. I caught before it could do much damage though.

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