Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Missing My Garden...

I used to visit with my garden almost everyday, but that was before my little parasite took up residence in my belly. Now I spend most of my day praying to the porcelain god (I wish I was exaggerating, but sometimes it is every hour or more) , sleeping, or sitting wrapped in my favorite blanket in an exhausted heap when I am not at work wondering if this is the day that I won't make it to the bathroom in time. Sadly, it looks like I am going to be one of those very few women who have the all day morning sickness everyday through the whole nine months. On the other hand besides my exhausting little puking problem, I'm apparently in great health. It is kind of freakish really. My labs are great, my blood pressure is great, my gums and teeth are great which are apparently the first thing to go if the little parasite isn't getting enough nutrients, and kiddo is growing like a weed without the adverse circumstances. I'm not dehydrated and though I'm not gaining weight, I'm not losing all that much weight either when you don't take into account that the kiddo is more than three months along. With all my neglect due to my condition, you'd think my garden would be in horrible shape... But it is still growing and thriving, I'd like to think it is because I planned for my eventual disinterest in gardening, so it is hard to tell that I have mostly been neglecting it. Though I have been frustrated with not being able to do things in the rare times I have enough energy to even look at it, so I tend to see the slightest mess in an extra negative light where before it was a joy to clean things up and get my body moving.

Luckily, Manperson is the most wonderfullest person in the whole world at least my small section of it. With no prompting, he has cleaned up the big mess of pecan leaves and limbs. It makes a huge difference. All those leaves are now sitting in a compost can waiting to mold and be redistributed someday. Before the morning sickness hit with a vengeance, Manperson also planted my November birthday plants that his fabulous Momma bought me and I also got myself a climbing prairie rose that he planted and is watering for me as needed. In my rare moments of clarity, I think of how I planned to plant some more vegetables this past January and now it is February, I am also frustrated because it is not the same telling someone else what to do in my garden. I liked doing mostly everything myself beyond a few odds and ends. There are also still quite a few vegetables to harvest in my garden despite all my neglect except my little parasite apparently doesn't like them. I can't wait until I can eat broccoli, kale, collards, and mustard greens again. I'm also looking forward to being able to putter around my backyard playground... I know a while back I had planned to do a postmortem on garden, but who knows if I will ever get around to that since I'm amazed I am posting at all.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry your little something person isn't cooperating and letting you feel healthy, vital and glowing. There's got to be acupuncture or something that would help. This is just another reminder of how happy I am to not have kids. :P I hope you get to enjoy your garden some more. I still think it's wierd that you're harvesting anything in winter.
