Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The wren has been set free...

After a few weeks of not feeding the wren, I was surprised as always how many worms were still alive and thriving though mostly little ones. Knowing that my time is super limited these days by my little one (baby time is amazing 5 hours pass and you wonder where the day went), I've put the wren in the outside compost and will be storing my tumbleweed worm composting bin in the garage until I'm  ready to grow worms again. Maybe as part of my kiddo's science curriculum. This will be the 2nd time I've had to let go of the indoor worm composting for one reason or another.

The garden blog "Red Wiggler Wren" was named after my little worm collective and I haven't been keeping up with it either. My garden is overgrown in the back yard though I am still getting flowers and telling myself I will spend more time back there some day. The some day is getting farther and farther away.

The Red Wiggler Wren is no more and if you believe in the propheticness of names then it was always meant to go this way considering it was all named after a bin of worms who liked to escape and then dry up and die...

But the joy of composting worms is that you just put those dried up husks back into the worm bin to feed the rest of the worms and they all become something new, yet in essence the same...

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