Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sardine Patties

Last year, I bought a lot of canned sardines, but I no longer like to eat them plain nor have I been able to find a mayo that doesn't upset my stomach. My favorite way to eat sardines was with capers, fresh diced onion, mayo, and a dab of mustard.

I tried making sardine patties tonight.

1/4 cup almond meal
1 tbsp mustard
1 egg
dried basil
black pepper
12 oz of sardines

Coconut oil for Frying.

Make sure the oil & pan are hot.  3 to 4 minutes each side. Flatten after the first side is cooked.

They came out pretty good, but they still needed something. So I ate one with ketchup. Will have to work on the seasoning. Tarter sauce would have been fab. Arg, still want mayo with my canned fish.

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