Friday, September 24, 2010

That Good Mom Feeling...

My little one loves the books. I don't know if it is because we are big reading family or because we have a makeshift diaper changing station by one of our bookshelves so that is one of the interesting things she sees. I take her to storytime at the library once a week where she is riveted for a good 30 minutes as the children's librarian reads at least 3 to 4 books with nursery rhyme singing in between. "I kissed the baby" is one of the books read at this past weeks story-time. Even a couple of other mothers have commented on how my kiddo is really into storytime. This wouldn't be half so amazing if she wasn't only 2.5 months old. I started suspecting she was crying because she was bored when she was about 7 weeks old, but in my zombiefied state from extreme sleep deprivation I was not sure if I was reading the signs right. I was already doing things like showing her around the house especially the art work on the walls, making sure she hung out in other rooms besides the living room, showing her black and white flashcards my husband and I made to distract her, rolling her around on a blanket for naked tummy time, and various other things, alot of which I read off of one of my friend's blogs (her baby was born 3 days after mine).

I took kiddo to a momma and baby yoga class on Free Day of Yoga at Austin Kula Yoga. She seemed to really like it and it made me feel like a good mom while meeting some of my needs to be out of the house and get some exercise. Sadly, since I work in the mornings. I won't be going back to that particular yoga class which was the best of the ones of taken since that point in time. I just wish they had a 2pm class. There I saw info on a free demo for Heartsong Music Together. They had one at bookpeople. I had never seen my baby so awake and absorbed, not even at the yoga class. I went to several more demos and each time she seemed to really be into it. Momma/Baby yoga is hit or miss. She seems to like it only every other week or maybe that is because we've tried a new teacher every other week at Yoga Yoga which offers noon classes. I'm not as fond of the YogaYoga ones 'cause some teachers are into Kundalini yoga which I'm not all that fond of though the chanting is fun. Sadly Heartsong Music Together is super expensive, though even then I considered it, they just didn't have a good time available for me to take her. I started looking around for other things and discovered free story-time at the Austin Public Library. I've so far been to two libraries for books and babies. One wasn't so great since the librarian only read one book and the other one gave me that good mom feeling. I'm still really surprised my kiddo can pay attention that long and that so far she hasn't gotten fussy during story-time, though as soon as the last song is sung she is ready for food and a nap.

I'm still on the look-out for other things that give me that good mom feeling. I'm glad that books is one of those things since I've had a lifelong love of them. I will be posting the ones I like here.

"I Kissed the Baby!" has nice color contrast pictures for baby vision and allows for interaction at the end as well as explication since you can add to the text with animal sounds and naming the animals.

The Librarian also had out as a check-out book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do You See." I got this in the Slide and Find version for a friend's 1 year old. Now I want a copy for my little one. Simple, repetative text which babies like since they are trying to take in the big wide world and it is comforting. Pictures with good color contrast. It names colors and has a surprise as well as allowing for you to adlibb based on the pictures easily.

I discovered this series at the bookstore. I want to get the whole series. It has lots of colors, textures, and things to touch. I also like that you can play around with the text and involve it with the environment. Maia has a little stuffed bunny and a stuffed monster that would go great with  these two books.  I got my friend's 1 year-old the "That's not my fairy" one.

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