Sunday, September 26, 2010

Two More Bill Martin Books

So this book is part of a theme of books by Bill Martin, illustrated by Eric Carle. Baby Bear Baby Bear covers action words like climbing and flying and such. It has Prairie Dogs, Flying Squirrels and Skunks. Great for learning to read, but I think a little too advanced for babies unlike Brown Bear, Brown Bear from my last post, but I still read it to my little one. It is just not one I would get for until she is older and closer to the reading stage.

Polar Bear, Polar Bear covers hearing words like whistling, snarling, bellowing. I'm not too fond of it because though it has the usual illustrations, more unusual animals, and a nice ending, I can just imagine Kiddo one day asking me to mimic the "yelping" of a Peacock and as I read this book to her I really wanted to yelp like a peacock. I just don't remember hearing any peacocks "yelp" and have no idea how to mimic that sound. Though, I guess I could head back to Mayfield park which is the best place in Austin for a peacock encounter. I guess if I want authenticity I could play the sounds from this animal info site  from Seaworld or Animal Picture's Archive in which the peacock sounds more like it is trumpeting. I couldn't find a site that had all of the animal sounds from this book that actually worked. What does the fluting of a flamingo sound like? Do Flamingo's really flute?  And why do I like Brown Bear, Brown Bear even though it is doubtful I will see animals in the colors it names? Maybe because the time at which I read Brown Bear, Brown Bear for my baby I don't really care too much about authenticity, but once we start getting into the big words and reading time, I want books that are more reflective of reality if they have real things in them... Okay and for vanity's sake, I want to be able to mimic sounds for my Kiddo.

My husband after seeing a few of the books in this series would like to read "Sewer Rat, Sewer Rat, What do you Taste?" I kinda would too.

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