Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pine Straw Mulch & New Plants

I've added pine straw around the plants to discourage weeds. I've also put in another purple scullcap (I think it is call heartleaf skullcap). All the green around the beds is horseherb, some stray grass (not st.augustine, I don't think), and a weed here and there (wood-sorrel and icky bent-leaf spurge which secretly I think is pretty though I have been pulling it up where I find).

Here is the golden leadball tree I planted and below it my happy mountain laurel. I think the yellow ball flowers will look great with the mountain laurel which has sprouted all kinds of leaves since the rain happened and to think it used to look like it wouldn't make it as well as the desert willows.

Here is a picture of the very first desert willow I planted. I keep wanted to call them dessert willows. My old dessert budget is going into buying plants. I think this is the best picture I've taken of it. It reminds of something out of a Dr. Suess book. Super cool.

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