Monday, August 30, 2010

Birth Mandala 1

This picture is a bit out of focus. I will try to take another one. This is the mandala I made for my friend C who wanted something that was 10cm to focus on for her birth. I started with contemplating 10cm by coloring 10cm circles which is the picture above with oil pastels. I'd never made Mandala's before this one. I used markers which is  generally not my best medium since it requires a little more precision than I am used to...

I'm really enjoying the markers now that I have used them a bit. I'm planning on making flashcards for my baby with neat art. I already made a black and white set with the ABC's and lines and dots which I show her just to stimulate her sense rather than for any true learning since she is way to young for the ABC's.  In all honesty, I do it because she gets so fascinated for a little while she forgets to be fussy.

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