Arg! 70% of the ligustrum grew back as well as the hackberry & china berry tree. I actually spent 30mins cutting down some of the growth along the fence. It felt good. I'm also proud that I didn't overdo it my first day back in the yard. I apparently made my yard so fertile that I will be spending quite a bit of time weeding this fall. Well, removal work is therapeutic.
I'm debating planting some of the seeds I saved from last fall. I can't eat brassicas because they give my newborn horrible gas pains, but there is a chance that by the time my brassicas mature that won't be a problem anymore. I'm not sure if I have time for the garden this year, it may take all my available time just to clean up the backyard so it looks happy again.
I lost a few plants. The yellow bells didn't last more than the first season. Found out that they are not freeze tolerant until established and my yard is way too open to the elements. I lost another of the first things I planted, the hops bush, died. Strange, since it has been a wet year. I haven't really taken an inventory of other things that have grown or I have lost since I don't make it out back too often. Parenting is tough work...
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